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Returns made within 15 days of the purchase date, will be eligible for a refund in the form of the original payment received.


In order to process a return, please contact customer service at 1-800-HOT-DATL (468-3285).


Please allow 5 to 7 business day from the date we receive your return request to process your return.

If a credit card refund is issued, allow an additional 2-4 business days for the credit to post to your credit card account and 1-2 billing cycles for the transaction to reflect on your billing statement since each bank’s processing time varies.


Please note that shipping cost will not be credited with any returns made. 



Due to the nature and food content of our products, we can not process any exchange request. 

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Dat'l Do-It, Inc.   1750 Tree Blvd. Suite 2   St. Augustine, FL 32084   1-800-HOT-DATL (468-3285)   Return Policy

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